Happiness Factory

The Happiness Factory app helps you solve 3 things: random acts of kindness, feeling connected and reminders to stay connected. These things will not only make you a happier person but they will help people around you to become happier as well.

    The Challenge

    Why are so many people not happy? Life is challenging, there are millions of needy people struggling with hunger, sickness, homelessness, joblessness, and more. How can we recognize their needs and get them help? We chose to build a reliable platform to connect & engage users for creating a better world!

    Our Approach

    The secret to happiness is helping others. The Happiness Factory app provides a bridge between people in need and helpful people. The app sends help reminders at a user-personalized day & time. Users can make help recommendations to themselves and friends.

    Scope Of Work


    • Branding
    • User Interface
    • Product Library
    • Illustration
    • Interaction
    • Usability
    • A/B Test


    • Web
    • SPAs
    • API Platforms
    • High Performant Frontends / PWA
    • IoT Integrations and Solutions


    • Agile Methodologies
    • Project / Product Management Strategy


    • User Experience
    • Interviews
    • Research
    • Journey Map
    • Card Sorting
    • Story Boards
    • Wireframes
    • Prototyping

    Our Partners

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