Implementing Accessibility IDs in React Native: Enhancing Accessibility and Testing Efficiency

Hey folks, Have you ever come across where we are required to integrate automation testing or an application requires to add Assistive technology (AT) in react native?

In today’s digital landscape, creating inclusive and accessible mobile applications is crucial. React Native, a popular framework for building cross-platform apps, provides powerful features for enhancing accessibility. One such feature is the implementation of Accessibility IDs, which can significantly improve the user experience for individuals with disabilities. In this blog post, we will explore how to implement Accessibility IDs in React Native, along with example code, and discuss the benefits they bring to both accessibility and testing processes.

I was thinking that I'd have to implement an accessibility id in one of my projects and finally, I achieved it using selenium.

What are Accessibility IDs?

Accessibility IDs, also known as test IDs or automation IDs, are unique identifiers assigned to user interface (UI) elements in your React Native application. These IDs serve as a bridge between your app and accessibility tools or testing frameworks, enabling seamless interaction and testing capabilities.

Benefits of Implementing Accessibility IDs:

  1. Enhanced Accessibility: By incorporating Accessibility IDs, you ensure that individuals with disabilities can navigate and interact with your app more effectively. Screen readers, for instance, rely on these IDs to provide accurate descriptions and meaningful information about the UI elements, enabling visually impaired users to comprehend and engage with the content seamlessly.

  2. Streamlined Testing: Accessibility IDs greatly simplify the testing process, especially when using automation testing frameworks like Appium or Detox. Instead of relying on fragile selectors that are prone to breaking with UI changes, these frameworks can locate and interact with specific elements based on their Accessibility IDs. This improves testing efficiency and reduces maintenance efforts.

Implementing Accessibility IDs in React Native:

To start using Accessibility IDs in your React Native app, follow these steps:

  1. Add AccessibilityLabel and AccessibilityIdentifier Props:

  • For components such as Text, View, Image, and Button, add the accessibilityLabel prop with a concise and descriptive string that identifies the purpose of the element.

Additionally, include the accessibilityIdentifier prop, which should have a unique ID associated with the element.


2. Test Automation:

  • Utilize automation testing frameworks like Appium or Detox to write tests for your React Native app.

  • Use the assigned Accessibility IDs to locate and interact with specific elements in your tests.


Sometimes we found out that the above code is working for iOS but not Android (vice-versa). So, What's the difference?

Actually, because of the platform limitations. We need to add platform-specific conditions.

We can resolve this by creating a common function. So, we can pass an Accessibility id from any class. Please refer to the below global function.


export function assignTestProps(id) is used to pass Accessibility id for Android and iOS. Here we have taken multipleProps variables to assign multiple props like testID, accessible & accessibilityLabel . Also, we have used platform conditions (Platform.OS === ‘android’) to return multiple props.

How to use:


Best Practices for Accessibility IDs:

  1. Use Descriptive Labels: Ensure that the accessibilityLabel prop provides a concise and meaningful description of the element's purpose. This helps screen readers provide accurate information to visually impaired users.

  2. Unique Identifiers: Each element should have a unique accessibilityIdentifier prop. This ensures that automation tests can reliably locate and interact with the desired element, even if the UI changes.

Update IDs with UI Changes: When making changes to your app’s UI, remember to update the associated Accessibility IDs to maintain test stability and accuracy.



Welcome Label

As per the above image I’ve set Welcome_Text as the accessibility id for the label. Using that id we can do automation testing.


Accessibility Button

Here we have set the button accessibility id as Btn_Welcome_Login to access automation testing.


Integrating Accessibility IDs into your React Native app is crucial for enhancing accessibility and improving the efficiency of automation testing. By assigning unique identifiers to UI elements, you empower visually impaired users with meaningful information and enable automation tools to interact with your app reliably. Following best practices and staying mindful of accessibility guidelines will help you create inclusive experiences and streamline your testing process. Start implementing Accessibility IDs in your projects.

Gautam Sareriya

Sr. Software Engineer - iOS

Published: Jul 21, 2023

Updated: Jul 24, 20233 min read

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